Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The Memory Project, presented by O2

In 1796 Irishman Robert Barker secured a patent for his system of representing an entire landscape through painting. He began his workproducing 360 degree images of the views across Edinburgh. The large circular structure needed - the
cyclorama went on to become an enormously successfully attraction of the early 19th century.
o2 have commissioned Architect
Jason bruges to develop the idea further. Employing high street technology, combined with some clever coding
http://www.o2memoryproject.com//">The memory projecthopes to examine our relationship with something called our collective digital memory. Housed in an impressive circular aluminium structure, eleven plasma screens will show stills taken from corresponding digital cameras directed outside. Alert thermal sensors housed above the screens then allow the viewer to summon past images from the structures immense memory. The Memory project will be installed on London's South Bank from 18/04 then touring Liverpool and Edinburgh the following weekends.

KultureFlash October 2008

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