Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Johnothan Barnbrook

Jonathan Barnbrook
must be a hero to Graphic artists and designers everywhere. Employing social conscience in your work can be a tightrope many would rather avoid negotiating. The Barnbrook studio seemingly exists solely for this kind of challenge. With a great sense of humour, his studio consistently manages to to combine a moral message with a clever wit and economy of style that never tires. The work can take on heady subject matters and attempts to add something to these debates The ideas never run dry and always manage to hit their mark. Addressing Consumerism, international politics,Wars, alongside album covers and t-shirts, Barnbooks original typography has been ubiquitous across the last 15 odd years. The studio has perhaps remained relevant because they bravely engage with the issues of the day and not shy away from them. The >
Design museum are hosting an evening featuring Jonathan Barnbrook in conversation with Alice Twemlow on the 16th July to discuss the output of his studio as well as talking about the current publication 'Friendly Fire' which accompanies the retrospective exhibition which runs until 10th October.

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